City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.

8.02.030 RABIES VACCINATIONS (County Code § 6.04.030).

(a) Every dog or cat owner shall ensure their animal is vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian in the manner prescribed or approved by state law and the State of California Department of Public Health, after the dog or cat attains the age of three (3) months of age and/or within ten (10) calendar days of acquiring an unvaccinated animal. This vaccination shall be obtained prior to issuing a license for the dog or cat. In addition, proof of vaccination shall be provided by the Owner or veterinarian to the Licensing Program or the County's animal control contractor.

(b) Every veterinarian who vaccinates or causes or directs to be vaccinated in the County any dog, or cat with rabies vaccine shall certify that such animal has been vaccinated. Every veterinarian shall submit to the licensing authority a copy of the County-approved rabies vaccination form, within ten (10) calendar days of the beginning of each month, for any dog or cat which they vaccinate or direct to be vaccinated with anti-rabies during the previous month. An Animal Control Officer or animal licensing staff shall have the right to inspect records of rabies vaccinations during normal business hours.

(c) Upon receipt of a written request from a licensed veterinarian to exempt a microchipped pet from receiving a one or three-year vaccination, for medical reasons, the County Health Officer and/or designee shall review the basis for the request for exemption and approve or/deny said request.