City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


(a) In the report submitted to the Council, the City Manager may specify that conditions on certain properties are seasonal and recurrent nuisances. The Council may include such an allegation in its resolution of intention together with a general description of the consequence of such a finding under this Section. After considering objections to both the finding of nuisance and its recurrent nature at the subsequent hearing, the Council may overrule the objections and determine that conditions on the property so designated constitute a recurrent nuisance in its resolution of abatement.

(b) If a second or subsequent nuisance of the same nature occurs on a property determined to constitute a recurrent nuisance under this Section, no further hearings need be held and it shall be sufficient to mail a post card notice to the owners of the property as follows:

(1) At least ten (10) days before the date set for the abatement action, the City will mail a notice of the proposed abatement that contains the address of the designated property, the date of the resolution that determined that a recurring nuisance existed on the property, and a warning that unless the nuisance is abated by a date certain, the City intends to remove the weeds and to assess the costs of the removal upon the property through collection on the general tax rolls; and

(2) The notice will be mailed to the property's owners as they and their addresses are listed in the last equalized assessment roll of the San Mateo County Assessor available at the City. The name and address of the owners as shown on that assessment roll will be conclusively deemed to be the proper persons and addresses for mailing the resolution, and the failure of any or all of the addressees to receive the notice shall not invalidate any of the proceedings.

(c) The City may provide for preventive abatement of a property designated under this Section through preventive measures that include but are not limited to preemergent or early chemical control of weeds on the designated property during subsequent germinating seasons. These costs shall be collectible in the same manner as other abatement costs described in this chapter.