City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.

27.64.015 DEFINITIONS.

The following definitions apply to this chapter.

(a) "Aisle" means the traveled path through a parking facility between one (1) or two (2) rows of parked vehicles.

(1) "Aisle width" means the width of backout and driving aisle between parking rows.

(2) "Double-loaded traffic aisle" means a driving aisle with accessible stalls on both sides.

(3) "Single-loaded traffic aisle" means a driving aisle with accessible stalls on only one (1) side.

(b) "Angle of stall" means the angle between the aisle direction and stall length direction.

(c) "Attendant parking" means any facility which relies on attendants or valets, rather than the driver of the car, to park and unpark vehicles.

(d) "Bumper overhang" means the area beyond the wheel stop and parking lot curbs where it is safe and legally permissible for bumpers to extend.

(e) "Carpool" means a group of two (2) or more people who share their automobile transportation to the work place on a regular basis.

(f) "Depth of stall" means the depth of a row or bay of parking measured perpendicular to the aisle regardless of the angle of parking.

(g) "Directional signs" means signs placed in a parking facility that direct motorists to entrances, exits, aisles, ramps, bicycle storage, stairs, or elevators.

(h) "Employee parking" means parking areas specifically designated for use by employees of uses on the lot.

(i) "Footcandle" means a unit of illuminance on a surface that is everywhere on that surface one (1) foot from a uniform point source of light of one (1) candle and equal to one (1) lumen per square foot.

(j) "Head-in" means a parking system where vehicles park hood first in the parking stall.

(k) "Layout dimension" means the distance from stall to stall on centers measured parallel to the aisle.

(l) "Length of stall" means the measurement of the individual stall measured perpendicular to the width.

(m) "Loading zone" means a specially marked area for short term use of delivery vehicles.

(n) "Parking bay" means the section of a parking facility containing an aisle and one (1) or two (2) rows of parking stalls.

(o) "Ramp" means an inclined portion of a parking structure intended for travel purposes to access different levels or areas of a parking structure and which may provide parking stalls on one (1) or both sides.

(p) "Reservoir space" means a space at least 20 feet long located in a parking facility for vehicles queuing to enter, exit or await service.

(q) "Stall" means a portion of a parking facility designed to hold one (1) vehicle and marked by painted lines on pavement.

(1) "Back-in stall" means an off-street parking stall into which the vehicle is backed from the driving aisle.

(2) "Clear stall" means an off-street parking stall which has no structure or obstruction higher than a six (6) inch curb on either side.

(3) "Compact stall" means an off-street parking stall that is eight (8) feet wide and 17 feet long that is designed to accommodate a vehicle which is less than 15 feet in overall length and six (6) feet in width.

(4) "Confined stall" means an off-street parking stall which has any obstruction higher than a six (6) inch curb on both sides, including walls, railings, stairwells, columns, or fences, but excepting columns located more than seven (7) feet from aisles.

(5) "End stall" means the last off-street stall in a row or bay of parking that requires a motorist to egress in the direction of ingress and requires additional backup space.

(6) "Restricted stall" means an off-street parking stall which has any structural element, including curbs over six (6) inches, on either side.

(7) "Stall dimension" means the length, width, and height of a parking stall.

(8) "Standard stall" means an off-street parking stall that is eight (8) feet six (6) inches wide and 18 feet long.

(r) "Visitor parking" means short term parking intended for use by customers or non-residents.

(s) "Wheel stops" means a bumper or block placed at the head of a parking stall to restrain the vehicle from moving past the wheel stop.

(t) "Width of stall" means the clear width of an individual stall measured perpendicular to the angle of parking.