City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.

27.13.110 REFUND OF FEE.

(a) If a building permit or use permit expires, is canceled, or is voided and any fees paid pursuant to this chapter have not been expended, no construction has taken place, and the use has never occupied the site, the Director of Public Works may, upon the written request of the applicant, order return of the fee and interest earned on it, less administrative costs.

(b) During the annual review pursuant to Section 27.13.120, the City Council shall make a finding with respect to any fee revenue not expended or committed 5 years or more after it was paid. If the City Council finds that the fee revenue is not committed, it shall authorize a refund to the then owner of the property for which the fee was paid, pursuant to Government Code §66001 or successor legislation.