City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


The following extensions to planning approvals are available:

(a) Extensions required by state or federal law. Where state or federal law requires that extension of a planning approval be considered, the Zoning Administrator shall approve an extension if they find that the project complies with all applicable zoning, planning, and general plan regulations and conditions.

(b) City extensions. The Zoning Administrator may approve one extension of a planning approval for up to two years, subject to the following provisions:

(1) Application required. To apply for a planning approval extension, an applicant must submit the application prior to the expiration date of the planning approval, pay the application fee and provide the reason(s) for the extension request.

(2) Findings required. To approve a time extension, the Zoning Administrator must find all of the following:

(A) The approved project is still consistent with the City's General Plan; and

(B) The approved project is still consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance; and

(C) The extension will not result in any new environmental impacts or an increase in severity of previously identified environmental impacts.

(c) Notice of Zoning Administrator Decision on Extension. Notice will be provided to the neighborhood by the same process followed for the original project approval. Notice will also be provided to the Planning Commission and City Council within ten days of the Zoning Administrator's decision.

(d) Appeals. The decision of the Zoning Administrator is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten days of the Zoning Administrator's decision by filing a written appeal with the Planning Division and payment of applicable fees. When an appeal is filed, the expiration date of a planning approval is tolled until a final action is taken. The provisions of Municipal Code Chapter 26.48 govern for all projects with associated subdivision maps.